


Payment Methods

Information related to accepted payment methods are made available during the purchasing process.

Some payment methods may only be available subject to additional conditions or fees. In such cases related information can be found in the dedicated section of

All payments are independently processed through third-party services. Therefore, does not collect any payment information – such as credit card details – but only receives a notification once the payment has been successfully completed.

If a payment through the available methods fails or is refused by the payment service provider, the Owner shall be under no obligation to fulfil the purchase order. Any possible costs or fees resulting from the failed or refused payment shall be borne by the User.

Authorization for future Stripe payment

If Users authorize the Stripe feature which allows future recurring purchases, will store an identification code linked to the Users’ Stripe account. This will authorize to automatically process payments for future purchases or recurring installments of past purchases.

This authorization can be revoked at any time, either by contacting the Owner or by changing the user settings offered by Stripe.